Self Doubt - Accept The Challenge!

It's Kay Drummond from
August 2009

This issue includes:

  • Self Doubt
  • Pass This On Please

Is self-doubt a huge problem for you? Do you want to change and become the new positive, self confident you, or will this always only be your dream? Do you tell yourself "I'll never be able to do that" did I hear you say "All the time!"

You may have talents that you will only ever dream about because you have doubts that make you too scared to try and achieve. You may make excuses, "It's too difficult," "I can't be bothered." Oh goodness how can you ever find out if you won't try.

Do you yearn to do something and yet have that knot of fear inside saying "Don't do it." Are you afraid of failing, afraid of what people will say, or that they may laugh at your attempt? Always do what you believe is right for you, not what others believe you should do, how can they know what's in your heart?

If you don't attempt to do what you want, how can you find out how successful you can be? Should you fail on the first attempt, pick yourself up and have another go. Imagine how good you will feel when you finally do what it is you wanted.

Your own thoughts create your reality, and so whatever thoughts you put into action make you the way you are. You can change your life by changing the thoughts you have. When you think in a positive way this is how you can be.

Push aside negative thoughts and doubts you have about your capabilities. Stay determined to change how you are and you will succeed. When you begin to believe in yourself, you will have such feelings of confidence, and be amazed how great you will feel throughout your day. Think only good things about yourself, make sure you act only on those positive thoughts.

Doesn't it make sense that when you think about yourself in a positive way, you can become like this? Sounds good? Is it time to wake up and smell the roses? I hope so, because they sure smell good!

Change to positive thoughts today. Tell yourself now, this minute, that you can and will be successful, and then go for it!...go on........I dare you!

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