Be True To Yourself

It's Kay Drummond from
February 2009

This issue includes:

  • Be True To Yourself
  • Reinvent Yourself
  • Invitation Pages
  • Free Courses
  • Pass This On Please

Are you living your life in the way others want you to? Is this because you want to make them happy, but in doing this are you being true to yourself?

Initially because you see the good result, the happiness in others, you may feel good inside. How long does this feeling last however? When the warm fuzzy feeling start to wear off, are you left feeling unmotivated, unhappy because your life is not how you want it to be?

The way to be truly happy is to stay true to yourself. What is it that you want to happen in your life? Only you can answer this. Others may guess, but no one knows what goes on inside your mind except you.

Your thoughts are yours alone, and only you can make things the way you want. How? By believing in yourself, and deciding to put thoughts you have into action, to change the things you want in your life. Change them to be how you think they should be, not how someone else thinks they should.

Its scary at first when you decide you want to change, because for years you may have stayed snug and cozy in your comfort zone. The inner you may long to be brave and do something with your life, but the mental mind wants to keep you safe and doesn't really want you to try anything new in case you fail, and so, rather than prove to yourself that yes, you can do what it is that you want, you sit back and do nothing.

This may keep you safe, but it means that you will not grow inwardly, will not achieve the things you long to do. Unless you are prepared to step out of your comfort zone you are going to find it difficult to change.

Decide what it is that you want to do and then break this achievement into small goals so that you can work your way slowly and surely towards the final goal. Each time you finalize a part of your goal, praise your effort, give yourself a mental pat on the back, and let yourself know that the next part will be even easier, and then carry on knowing in your heart that you can, and will, succeed.

When you take responsibility for yourself you will discover true happiness. Happiness comes from within, it is a feeling, it is not external. When you see things surrounding you that bring you pleasure, it is a joy within that brings the feeling to you.

You can literally start to change your life right now this minute purely by changing the thoughts you have. You can say:

"I am miserable" or "I am happy"

"I can't be bothered" or "I am going to do this"

"I hate how I am" or "I love myself"

"I am useless" or "I am capable"

No one can decide for you, your thoughts are your own.

You Choose.

If you like the idea of reinventing yourself to become a new you, I recommend Brian Tracey's new book Reinvention

For this special offer, Reinvention is being paired with two of Brian's best-selling CDs:

* The Law of Attraction -- In Action -- Bring wealth, happiness, prosperity, joy and love into your life!
* Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life -- Take control of your life and destiny, improve your relationships and achieve all your goals!

Brian will teach you how you can literally draw a line between your past and your future


* Identifying what's really important to you * Taking control of your career once and for all * Targeting and getting the job you really want * Turning unexpected challenges into opportunities * Increasing your earning potential exponentially * Developing the self-confidence to take risks to enjoy big pay-offs

As always, Brian guarantees his products 100% for a full year!

Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life with Brian Tracy's NEW Book: Reinvention --Plus 2 Bonus CDs!-- Order Today!

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February Newsletter

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You will find free personal development courses at this link that I am sure will benefit your personal growth.

We are excited about a new invitation you may not have read about on Positive Personal Growth.

Do you have a child who loves writing poetry? If so check this out! We have put an invitation page specially for children to send in their poems to go on their own web page!

Click on the following link: to learn more.

The links below are to Invitation pages on the website, where you can offer help to those with problems, or receive help yourself in an area of life that you aren't happy with. Also, share what you have to tell us in other areas of your life.

There are people who have no one they can talk to about their problems, or even share their good news, or happiness with. I am also sure there are those of you who have much knowledge and advice to share with those in need. I will also offer help and advice to anyone who asks.

Is low self confidence a problem?

Share your personal growth story. What or who is your inspiration?

The things children say and do

Let's make happiness contagious!

Submit your article

Childrens Poems

(If any of the the above URLS are not links, please copy and paste the URL into your Web browser.)

What I hope is that you will get involved with Positive Personal Growth.Com and make it worthwhile. One that cares enough about people to want to share their joy, happiness, problems, listen, and offer help when they are in need. With your help I am certain it will work.

Thank you for being a part of this website. I truly appreciate it.

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If you have any comments, opinions, or content ideas we'd love to hear from you. We hope you will visit us when you need help or are feeling low, and that you will leave us feeling happier.