conflict with a co-worker
by Frances
I went away on holiday and found a temp to do my job until I came back. When I returned she had decided that she liked and wanted my job permanently.
She actually "took over" and made a good impression on my boss who in turn decided that she was "better" at the job than me, so he actually found me another position in the company which I found out about by accident through the grapevine that I was being demoted I supposed you would say.
I still have to have contact with this co-worker and she seems to be gloating. I feel really hurt and my self confidence is shattered, it never was brilliant but now its worse than ever.
I could up and leave which I am sort of working on, but I would rather learn how to deal with this situation before I do leave, so I know in the future how to handle a problem like this...sorry this is so long but I need help to restore (one) my confidence and (two) how to deal with this person apart from ignoring her, which I can't as we need to communicate with work. thank you hope you can help me.