cross roads...
by laura
To start off... I'm twenty six years old. A single mother of a beautiful four year old daughter. Was married... divorced my husband because he severely molested our daughter. He remains in prison. I've gotten past the blow of it all.
I went to two trade schools. Two separate state licences that were needed. Had an amazing job. And just got fired. Lost my father a few years ago... and saw his dead decayed remains everywhere. In these short three years. I've had hell pleasantly knock on my door and hand me a hand basket.
I do what I have too... I have a child who I put my life into. I'm very fortunate to have a family that provided us with a home. And no worries. But I'm hollow as hell underneath it all. I've seen doctors to make sure my child is ok..they assure me she will be. When it came to me... Here's a few meds see you next month. I don't trust people ... I married a monster. I don't know..- feel like its all me but then I'm like ... I'm ugly I'm this. Childish sh*t. Above all else ... its tough. I don't know what I'm trying to say. I just came across this... and have no one to talk to so here goes nothing...