Extremely shy 12 year old daughter
(Jacksonville fl)
She was born shy. I thought as she got older she would grow out of it or comfortably shy but now I am more worried. I have realized she avoids greeting people, eye contact, social situations... She is a great student, very smart and beautiful.
I have told her that saying hello to people and smiling are just good manners and that as her mom I expect her to use them. She is becoming more reclusive and I don't know how to help her.
Her sister is four years younger and has always been more outgoing and has a lot of friends. They are best friends but I know she resents her younger sister because being social comes so easy for her.
I do not want her to continue becoming more and more shy and lonely. I feel like she needs lessons in social skills and how to interact with people and that she's not alone in her anxiety and that there are tools we all use to make our way I'm social situations to have fun, learn about others and feel good.
She thinks that I am criticizing her when I try to talk about it.
I don't know what to do.
Helpless mother