Growing through Adversity!

by Biancia Tate
(Lynchburg, Virginia)

My name is Biancia Tate and, if I was to describe myself I would use the word Hope Bearer! So, what is a Hope Bearer one might ask? A Hope Bearer is one who can take the worse set of circumstances and find within them hope.

They are those people who have decided to let adversity be a teacher in their lives. They have learned that adversity can teach them such things as creative problem solving, stress management, perseverance, persistence, personal growth and development, forgiveness, patience, and self control.

These were the things I learned when my husband had a traumatic brain injury which resulted in him being comatose for 2 and 1 half months.

When he came home, he and I were complete strangers and, found we had to start our lives all over again. We had to learn to leave what we grieve to embrace what we chase. We learned to leave our past behind and to find the strength and courage to seek out our future and find hope.

We learned how to love one another unconditionally, the power of grace, and the importance of being patient and how to forgive and, all of these helped us to grow through adversity and discover destiny.

We also learned how to let God's spirit be in control and how to let Him lead us into the new life He had ordained for us.

We now have founded The Hope Network,Inc. which is an online ministry to provide support, hope and healing to survivors of trauma. We invite you to view our website and, we hope we encourage and inspire you to become a Hope Bearer.

Comments for Growing through Adversity!

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Thanks for the Hope and Encouragement
by: Anonymous

Hi Bianca; Your story is extremely inspirational. You have proven in the very purest sense what unconditional love is for your husband.

I believe that we do learn that life is a classroom of multitudes of learning experiences and either you withdraw and give totally up or you find the spiritual strength and hope to hang in there even as your circumstances keep getting worse, and sometimes you are saying to God, You've got to be kidding is there anything more? And than things still continue to get worse.... I truly believe that this is the time when either you decide to look completely up to God and totally trust in him or you just fall apart and have a nervous breakdown.

You definitely had other choices but you decided to hold on to what you and your husband had with everything that you had and it sounds like you have a great testimony and have truly experienced God's Grace. May God continue to Bless you and your family........

So moving
by: Anonymous

Your story is both inspiring and touching to me. I admire your courage and wish the best for you and your husband.

Growing through adversity.
by: Anonymous

It takes a lot of courage when someone has suffered a health setback and has to make adjustments. It is either make or break and I admire the people who stick at a situation and make the best of it, using their experiences to help someone else.

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