I might be suffering from low self esteem

by Laura

Well, I was raped a year ago. The thing is that now, after I believed I had a good self esteem, a guy is flirting with me and I don't think I'm good enough... I always think of reasons why he may be talking to me like: he wants to have me near because I'm good at school and not because he genuinely likes me, he just talked to me but not because I'm likeable.

It's as thought as if I wasn't good enough for someone to like me as a whole. I'm a perfectionist and I may have a kind of autism... help me, give me some advice if you think I've got a problem. Thank you very much.

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I might be suffering from low esteem.
by: Anonymous

You said that you had been raped, that is enough to make you feel low. Did you look for some help and support after that as you will need it. it is not a nice thing to feel that you have been used and that your feelings were ignored. The man who did this is worth a lot less than you and I hope that he has been stopped from doing something like this again to another young woman.

You are not worthless, no one ever is and you can rise above this and remake your life. There are people who do care about you. Concentrate on now and know that you have a future and that you can eventually put this behind you.

I hope that your family know about this and understand how you have felt being treated in this way.

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