My relationship with others
by Mariela
I have a hard time gaining respect from friends, family etc. I don't know how to be assertive because I feel fearful and insecure most of the time. I dont feel comfortable around my co-workers or my boyfriend's family. I'm even having a hard time with my boyfriend lately.
I don't know how to express how I feel without appearing emotional or too sensitive. I sometimes feel he takes advantage of me, however am not sure how to approach him for the reason that I tend to over react and can't help feeling insecure around him, his friends, and his family.
I'm having a hard time with friends in school, with my family, with my job, with my boyfriend, even his family who give me the impression they think I am avoiding them, which is partly true, but they don't know the reason why I do so.
I feel in despair and have tried so many things to raise my confidence and feel good and confident about myself, however have failed in every intent. I don't know what to do anymore.
This problem seems to be getting worse by the minute. Any advice would be very helpful.