no trust after mult emotional affairs
by Done, jealous, and alone
My husband has had several emotional affairs we have been to counseling. My husband apologized for the emotional affairs I knew about but others kept popping up. He had gotten to the point that he wasn't willing to apologize anymore and if they contacted him through email he felt it was rude not to reply. This has been going on for almost three years. I have been an emotional wreck and due many other incidents and issues between us... I don't trust him one bit.
He recently he has a new male friend at work and they do everything together at work. In the beginning he and his friend would talk on the phone after work on the drive home or through text and I had a problem with the close connection because we don't have one yet. I feel he basically stopped the female affairs and just moved it to a male. He is always rude to me. When I bring up my feelings that I feel left out his life he always has a tit for tat response. He gets very angry that I don't agree with him on whatever and these burst of anger have gotten physical sometimes to the point he wants me to just shut up... he has pushed me, tried spraying carbonated water from a can on me, laid on top of me to say, that I am smothering him. Does this man really love me. In the beginning he was able to admit he had issues but now its all me and he really doesn't care that I am at the point of wanting to take my life. I have dealt with alcohol issues, addiction to porn, lying and having lunch with women, his grown kids lying on me, his ex wife flirting with him in my face to the point I don't want him talking to her. This of course has turn into a problem with him getting to see or be around his grandkids because the kids have taken their Mother's side. I don't want a divorce but how do i cope with all this. How do I know when enough is a enough. Is it me? Please help any advice is appreciated and welcomed.