paranoia, low self confidence, low motivation
by damien
(birmingham uk)
I want to thank you for this website. I do need help but I don't know what it is. I struggle to speak with people. I have a business that could make me a millionaire if I wanted it to but I don't have the motivation to push for it.
I fear rejection and often struggle to speak with people, often have nothing to say and when I don't say anything I then feel like an idiot. Like the saying if you put your head in the sand people will only see an ass, I have had a hell of a lot of rejection in my life so I think I know the reason I don't put myself out there is because I think I will just get rejected again.
I really do appreciate the site, it has helped me massively, my mind is fighting with itself at the minute with positive and negative thoughts which is a good thing, that is only down to this website, before finding this site it was just run with negative self destructive thoughts.
Love to the webmaster/s