Problem with my mom complaining about my dad
My problem is related to money, which sparks conflicts between my parents all the time.
Problem is :- My dad likes to make donations to anyone/anything related to God. He spends money on preachers of God
problem is these people he donates to are not genuine. He also cares about his parents,sisters and other family members and spends money on them.
He doesn't look after my mom, her welfare,health, doesn't give her money for household/spending. He stays back at work for the majority of the days (working on/talking/travelling to places) with these people and helping them out. Any problems faced by my mom is of no concern to him.
He thinks she is not up to his level of thinking
helping others is his goal and all she cares about is his money. My mom's philosophy is to spend the time/money on immediate family only.
To top this my mom has low self confidence, always talks negatively about people and herself, blames it on her fate. As a result of this dispute my mom's health is declining. My dad is a focused, strong willed and has no need for anyone.
I love both of them a lot and am at a no win situation. I tried several times to make my mom think positively
she's like-what positive thing can come out of donating and caring about others to my mom and ignore everything my dad does. I tried explaining and making things clear between the both of them, but it was of no use.
They fight all the time and this has been causing so much distress in all our lives. Question is how do I solve this problem? How do I build up my mom's self confidence and make her a strong person
negative thoughts go away?
Please help!!!