
by Raymona
(Citrus Heights , Ca USA)

Wow I am plain looking .

Wow I am plain looking .

I have been looking forward to a life that I am not going to get, I just looked at the states and they don't look good .

I would like to get that money that these web sites offer, and I cant get it because I only make Gross $175.00 a month working as a in home care. for my dad that is not all disable., and they tax that.

I am in a marriage that it will take a miracle to get out of to find the right man for me if I was to get out?

What do u suggest I give harmony a chance?

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Stay positive, the time will be right
by: Stacey

Hello Raymona,

I just had to write to you to share the fact that I believe that in this world everything happens for a reason. When the time is right things will all fall into place, and you will look back and see why you had to go through things to get where you are today.

Let's face it our problems in life help to create who we are, and we learn lessons along the way! It is a case of staying positive, and I know it's easier said than done.

I know you may be thinking that this sounds easy, and it could go in one ear and out the other, and who am I to say such a thing?

I had been married for fourteen years and I knew that I was in a marriage I no longer wanted to be in, and that he was not the one for me. The problem was that I have children which made it even harder

I was on a very low wage, and thought no way could I cope on my own, and that I would be stuck in this marriage for ever, well, at least until my boys were old enough to leave home. But would they thank me when they were adults for being unhappy for them?

I had a great support around me. My mum was so fantastic, and as hard as it was for her seeing and hearing me in a mess with crying she was there to listen. Over the last two years I contacted experts, and was told of the support single mums get with working tax, child tax etc. This went in one ear and out the other as the time was not right.

My friends all listened to me and offered support, but it all come down to this Raymona, "I" was the only one who could solve my problems and move forward!

I have been on my own now with my children for two and a half months. It is not easy but the weight lifted off my shoulders is so amazing it is hard to explain!! I truly am happy now. I know there is no doubt that I had to go through the years of unhappiness to get where I am today.

I get adequate financial support, and new avenues have started at my work place. I have just paid my own set of bills for the first time in fourteen years and it feels great!!

I am thankful for my life and all the people around me. Their support has been amazing and still continues to be, but it was me that held the key to my happiness.

Stay strong Raymona, be positive, when the time is right you will have the strength to make it happen, if this is what you want to do.


Self talk and Raymona
by: Kay

Hi Raymona,

Thank you for contacting Positive Personal Growth.

Your message is sure full of wishful thinking! I am a firm believer that our thoughts make our reality, and so I say, keep them positive, and dream big about what you want to achieve in your life.

When you think about something with a passion, the universe hears, and you draw all good things into your life!

You seem to be a very caring (and pretty!) young lady. It takes a special kind of person to care for others in the way you do, so your dad is very lucky to have you as his daughter.

Many people would like to get the money that these websites offer, but without putting plans into action, nothing is achieved. They make it sound easy don't they?

Money wont necessarily solve your problems Raymona, but being happy within, and feeling good about yourself, with no self doubts, or self criticism will definitely make you feel more optimistic and content with your life.

I wish you well, and hope you have a wonderful 2009, filled with optimism and positive thinking!


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