Update on Crisis or Illness

by Elizabeth

It is five months now since I fell over and suffered a fracture of my right hip. It has been a rather frustrating journey but I am managing quite well and hope to keep it that way. I have been driving my car again for over a month and it is a relief to be able to go up town without having to ask anyone to assist me.

I am grateful to the people who have taken me out at night as I will not drive at night now, partly because I have to be careful how I go and also I am waiting to have the cataract in my right eye done.

Except for the lawn mowing, I am managing my garden fairly well by sitting down in an old chair I have outside for weeding and am getting my garden in order before the onset of the bad weather. I now have a medical alarm and can use that should I have a fall.

My doctor told me I was lucky to be able to retain my independence and that I hope to do. I use one crutch around home and a walker when I go out to give me stability. The disability car parks are excellent and I have been able to use them which has cut down the amount of walking I have had to do.

I have some household help to do the vacuuming and other jobs I cannot manage. I cannot use the clothesline so have to put my washing on a clothes horse. Sheets are a problem but they can be dried on a clotheshorse.

Should I go away on holiday, I could have problems getting off and on buses and also with shower and toilet facilities as I have my bathroom set up with hand rails that I can use them without problems. I have also had rails put on my steps to give me easier access in and out of my home.

Sometime or other I may suggest to the Disability people that it would be a good idea for a special collapsible seat to be used over a toilet or in a shower for disabled people going on tours. For a long time I had to use a high toilet seat because of my hip still healing and it was hard to sit down on a lower one. I am managing better now I am more mobile.

People of my age can manage to stay in their present homes a lot longer if they can get something done about pitfalls etc. I got the loan of equipment from the hospital but had to pay for alterations in my home. However it was worth it, as I was able to cope independently without any outside help after the free assistance I got came to an end.

I can only be grateful that I am able to lead a fairly independent lifestyle, in the meantime.

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