Your Inner Self Is The way You Have Chosen

Did you know, your inner self is the way it is because this is how you have chosen to be? It's true, what you have told yourself, or what other people have told you, and you have accepted, has made you the way you are today.

It's always your choice to accept or disbelieve what you have heard about yourself. This is great if you are happy and at peace with how you are.

But what if you aren't? Don't panic, all is not lost!

You just have to change your choices. When you do, you will be unstoppable!

When someone says something about you that you disagree with, mentally refuse to accept the information, and then forget it. When you hear yourself saying "I can't do this," instantly change that choice into "I can do this."

Remember, it's your choice as to what you believe. Make your choices positive ones about yourself. Others may give you their opinions, but that's all they are, their opinions. It's totally your choice whether you believe them or not.

When you come to realize this, you will gain control over your life. You will be empowered, and your inner self will be exactly the way you choose it to be.

This puts your power into your hands, where it belongs.

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